

Welcome! We love travel and sharing our experiences.

Kuching Boreno

Kuching Boreno

After our brief journey into the Middle East, we are heading to Asia! I never thought I would get here. We will be in Asia for the next 3-4 months.

First stop is Kuching, Borneo. which is on the Malaysian side of the island. We are here to check out the Bako National Park. I had read about this national park where the bug, reptiles, and monkeys run wild. So of course we needed to go. The first night in Kuching we stayed at a local hotel that was full of fun until we discovered all the huge roaches in the morning. EW!

Lucky for us just behind the hotel there was a Mooncake Festival going on. It was so much fun checking out the local food, dances, henna, and break dancing.

Bako National Park

Bako National Park

Jordan Wadi Rum

Jordan Wadi Rum